
A Discord bot for managing embeds.

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| Symbol | Meaning | | ———– | —————————— | | (Argument) | Argument is not required. | | Argument… | Accepts many of this argument. |


| Commands | Arguments | Description | | ———— | —————————— | ——————————————————- | | Copy | Embed Name, Message Link or ID | Copy an embed by its message ID. | | Create | Embed Name | Create a new embed with this name. | | Delete | (Embed…) | Delete the embed with this name. | | Duplicate | Embed Name, (Embed) | Create a new embed from an existing embed. | | ExecuteAll | Commands | Execute a batch of commands in sequence. | | Export | (Embed), (preferFile) | Export the currently loaded embed to JSON. | | Import | Embed Name, File | String | Import a JSON file or string as an embed. | | Load | Embed | Load the embed with this name into memory. | | Send | (Channel), (saveLocation) | Send the currently loaded embed. | | Update | | Update the message embed | | UpdateTarget | Message Link or ID | Replace the target message embed with the loaded embed. |


| Commands | Arguments | Description | | ————– | —————– | ————————————————— | | Clear | (Clear Target) | Clear a target field from the loaded embed. | | Rename | (Embed), New Name | Change the name of an existing embed. | | SetAuthor | User | Set the author for the currently loaded embed. | | SetColor | Hex Color | Set the color for the currently loaded embed. | | SetDescription | Text | Set the description for the currently loaded embed. | | SetFooter | Icon URL, Text | Set the footer for the currently loaded embed. | | SetImage | URL | Set the image for the currently loaded embed. | | SetThumbnail | URL | Set the thumbnail for the currently loaded embed. | | SetTimestamp | | Set the timestamp for the currently loaded embed. | | SetTitle | Text | Set the title for the currently loaded embed. |


| Commands | Arguments | Description | | ————– | ———————– | ——————————————————– | | AddBlankField | (isInline) | Add a blank field to the loaded embed. | | AddField | Field Data | Add a field in the following format: title|body|inline | | InsertField | Index, Field Data | Insert a field at an index to the loaded embed. | | RemoveField | Field Index | Remove a field from the loaded embed by its index. | | SetField | Field Index, Field Data | Edit a field at a given index with the given data. | | SetFieldInline | Field Index, Boolean | Get a field by its index and edit its inline value. | | SetFieldText | Field Index, Text | Get a field by its index and edit its text value. | | SetFieldTitle | Field Index, Text | Get a field by its index and edit its title value. |


| Commands | Arguments | Description | | ————— | ——————————- | —————————————————— | | AddToGroup | Group, Embed… | Add an embed into a group. | | CloneGroup | Group Name, (Channel), Amount | Clone a group of embeds. | | CreateGroup | Group Name, (Embed…) | Create a group of embeds. | | DeleteGroup | Group | Delete a group and all of its embeds. | | Deploy | Group, (Channel), (saveLocation) | Deploy a group into a target channel. | | InsertIntoGroup | Group, Index, Embed | Insert an embed into a group at an index. | | RemoveFromGroup | Embed… | Remove embeds from their current group. | | RenameGroup | Group, New Name | Change the name of an existing group. | | UpdateGroup | Group | Update the original embeds this group was copied from. |


| Commands | Arguments | Description | | ——— | ——— | ———————————————————- | | DeleteAll | | Delete all embeds and groups in this guild. | | SetPrefix | Prefix | Set the prefix required for the bot to register a command. | | SetRole | Role | Set the role required to use this bot. |


| Commands | Arguments | Description | | ———- | ——— | ————————————— | | Info | (Embed) | Get extended info for the target embed. | | Limits | | Display the discord embed limits. | | ListEmbeds | | List all embeds created in this guild. |


| Commands | Arguments | Description | | ——— | ——————————— | ——————————————————- | | Broadcast | Message | Send a direct message to all guild owners. | | Guilds | (Sort) | Get a complete list of guilds and info. | | Kill | | Kill the bot. It will remember this decision. | | Leave | (Guild) | Leave this guild and delete all associated information. | | Transfer | (Embed), Target Guild, (New Name) | Send an embed to another guild. |


| Commands | Arguments | Description | | ——————– | ——— | —————————————- | | Help | (Command) | Display a help menu. | | Status, Ping, Uptime | | Display network status and total uptime. |