
A Discord bot for managing embeds.

View the Project on GitHub

Discord Setup

Not interested in all the technical stuff? Just invite the bot directly.

Bot Account

Create a bot account in the developers section of the Discord website.

Add Bot

Build Guide

Choose one of the following build options.

Source Code ### Prerequisites - [Download](https://github.com/JakeJMattson/EmbedBot/archive/master.zip) the code. - Install [Java](https://openjdk.java.net/) and [Gradle](https://gradle.org/install/). ### Building Once you have your prerequisites installed, Gradle will be doing the rest. * Navigate to the root of the project (`./EmbedBot`) * Run `gradle shadowJar` to build a JAR in `./build/libs/` * Proceed to the JAR guide below on how to run it.
JAR/Release ### Prerequisites - Install [Java](https://openjdk.java.net/). - Download a JAR from [releases](https://github.com/JakeJMattson/EmbedBot/releases/), unless you built it yourself. ### Environment - To run the JAR, you will need to be able to access Java from the command line/terminal. Run `java -version` and make sure your operating system can recognize the command. - Place the JAR somewhere safe and out of the way. It will generate configuration files on its own. ### Running - Open the command prompt and navigate to the folder that the JAR is in. - Run the following command: `java -jar EmbedBot.jar ` - `` should be replaced with your Discord bot token - The bot should respond that configuration files have been generated. This will be in the `config` folder within the folder you created for this project. - Open `config.json` with any text editor and fill out the fields. You can read more about this below. - Run the same command again: `java -jar EmbedBot.jar token` The JAR will now read in your provided configuration values and start the bot. Your bot account should now be online! </details>
Docker New containers for this project are built automatically. Pulling it with Docker will always give you the most recent commit. * Install [Docker Desktop](https://www.docker.com/get-started) onto your machine. * Run `docker pull jakejmattson/embedbot` * Run `docker run -e BOT_TOKEN= -v :/config embedbot:latest` * `` should be replaced with the bot token obtained from the steps above. * `` should be replaced with a local path where you want to store the configuration files. Your Docker container should now be running. </details> ## Configuration ```json { "botOwner": "The discord user with owner permissions.", "guildConfigurations": { "244230771232079873": { "prefix": "The prefix typed before a command.", "requiredRoleId": "The ID of the role required to use the bot." } } } ``` ### Sanity Check Once you have your bot account online, you can verify that it's working by mentioning the bot on Discord `@EmbedBot`. Make sure it has permissions to read and write in the place where you want it to respond. It is recommended that you give it a role.